An update to the tools I use:


  • Task Manager – GoodTask + Reminders – I might be moving over to Omnifocus and Reminders. It is dependent on what is best for my workflow.
  • Text Editor – Nova – Also using BBEDIT…torn between these two!
  • Terminal App – Terminal – I have been using iTerm and continue to return to as it is on all the macOS devices I use.
  • Automation App – Hazel
  • Online Backup Service – Backblaze
  • Backup Application – Carbon Copy Cloner


  • Reddit App – Apollo
  • Podcast App – Castro – Starting to use more due to the fact that I don’t see as much support / forward momentum with the Castro app.
  • Camera App – Halide
  • Scanning App – Scan Thing
  • Document Scanning App – Notes
  • Game – Magic Arena – Too many games to list right now! I have cut down on my gaming time to focus on creating more content.

iOS and macOS

  • Twitter App – Tweetbot – Also started using Twitterriffic…trying to figure out which one I like using more…with Elon Musk’s purchase (whenever that happens) I am bit worried about the 3rd party support for the platform.
  • Password Manager – 1Password
  • Package Tracking App – Parcel – Since the developer of Deliveries stated they will not be fully supporting their application anymore (not their fault…the changes that all the shipping companies put the devs through makes it difficult to maintain), I need to find a replacement application. For now, Parcel is this application…it might meet the same fate as Deliveries later down the road.
  • Calendar App – Fantastical
  • Recipe Manager – Mela
  • RSS Reader – Reeder
  • Read Later Application – Reeder
  • Email Application –
  • Quick Note App – Tot and Drafts
