Here is an update of my current load-out (some have respective links to Amazon, that help defray some of the hosting costs and get me more play money to purchase cool, new gear) for the month of February:


iOS / iPadOS

  • Podcast App – With Castro now under new ownership, this is tentatively my primary podcast listening application. We will see what the future holds…I might have to move to Overcast
  • Camera App – Halide
  • Scanning App – Scan Thing
  • Document Scanning App – Notes – Agile Tortoise will be releasing their (Simple Scan)[] application soon and, after I test it, I might be moving to this application.

iOS and macOS

  • Password Manager – 1Password
  • Package Tracking App – Parcel – Great application that has been very useful when I was tracking shipments I have been sending out for a few projects I have been working on.
  • Calendar App –
  • Recipe Manager – Mela
  • RSS Reader – Reeder connected to FreshRSS.
  • Read Later Application – Goodlink
  • Email Application –
  • Note-Taking App – Drafts – If a more complex workflow is needed for the note I took, it resides in drafts.
  • Mastodon Application – Ivory – After moving most of my social media presence to Mastodon and Facebook, Ivory has become my go-to application on iOS, iPadOS, and macOS.
  • Social Media – Threads
