An update on my current load-out (some have respective links to Amazon, that helps defray some of the hosting costs and gets me more play money to purchase cool, new gear):


  • Task Manager – GoodTask + Reminders – GoodTask is still my favorite task manager as it integrates with Reminders and can be as powerful as I want it to be (very customizable). I have started to utilize Things a bit and I keep returning to GoodTask.
  • Text Editor – Nova + BBEdit – Depending on the situation, I am switching between Nova and BBEdit…both are great applications.
  • Terminal App – Terminal – It is always nice to use the built in applications as they present on all macOS devices.
  • Automation App – Hazel
  • Online Backup Service – Backblaze
  • Backup Application – Carbon Copy Cloner

iOS / iPadOS

  • Podcast App – Castro – I am very glad that the Castro podcast app has received updates and it looks like it is under development again so I switched back to it. The way the inbox functionality works in the app lines up with how I would like to use the application.
  • Camera App – Halide – The best (IMHO) camera app on iOS.
  • Scanning App – Scan Thing
  • Document Scanning App – Notes
  • Game – Magic Arena – Too many games to list right now! I have cut down on my gaming time to focus on creating more content.
  • Game – Dawncaster

iOS and macOS

  • Password Manager – 1Password
  • Package Tracking App – Parcel – This application was a life-saver during the holiday season in helping me keep track of gifts being shipped all over the world.
  • Calendar App –
  • Recipe Manager – Mela
  • RSS Reader – Reeder
  • Read Later Application – Reeder
  • Email Application –
  • Note Taking App – Drafts – If a more complex workflow is needed for the note I took, it resides in drafts. If only a simple copy and paste is needed, I utilize Tot.
  • Mastodon Application – Ivory – After moving most of my social media presence to Mastodon and Facebook, Ivory has become my go-to application on iOS, iPadOS, and macOS.
  • Social Media – Threads
