An update on my current load-out:


  • Task Manager – GoodTask + Reminders – GoodTask is still my favorite task manager as it integrates with Reminders.
  • Text Editor – Nova – Also using BBEDIT…torn between these two! (This hasn’t changed)
  • Terminal App – Terminal – It is always nice to use the built in applications as they present on all macOS devices.
  • Automation App – Hazel
  • Online Backup Service – Backblaze
  • Backup Application – Carbon Copy Cloner


  • Reddit App – Apollo
  • Podcast App – Mimir – Fantastic support and the app works really well. Mimir is now my primary podcast app and is continuously being improved.
  • Camera App – Halide – The best (IMHO) camera app on iOS.
  • Scanning App – Scan Thing
  • Document Scanning App – Notes
  • Game – Magic Arena – Too many games to list right now! I have cut down on my gaming time to focus on creating more content.

iOS and macOS

  • Twitter App – Tweetbot – I am starting to test the Spring Twitter application per a recommendation from a colleague. I am still formulating my thoughts about it!
  • Password Manager – 1Password
  • Package Tracking App – Parcel – This application was a life-saver during the holiday season in helping me keep track of gifts being shipped all over the world.
  • Calendar App – – I have been utilizing more of standard built-in iOS applications so BusyCal has taken a backseat for now. We will see if I return to that application or possibly Fantastical.
  • Recipe Manager – Mela
  • RSS Reader – Reeder
  • Read Later Application – Reeder
  • Email Application –
  • Quick Note App – Tot
  • Note Taking App – Obsidian – Obsidian not only lets me take notes it functions as a task manager and many more thing due to the plugins that are available. It is also cross-platform and runs very well. I have not decided if this application will be part of my permanent workflow.
